Assembly: BP15 PVC type E bead consists of two white corner beads, gray (or white) PVC expansion membrane and fibreglass mesh. BP15 PVC type-E bead is used for expansion joints in the flat insulation façade. Installation of the bead is done by placing the membrane in the expansion gap leaving a gap with a width of approx. 5 mm. The bead should be glued in on the edges of foamed polystyrene. Then cover the strips of fibreglass mesh supplied with the BP15 bead with the façade’s reinforcing mesh and sink in the adhesive. Gluing the bead and overlapping the mesh should be done if possible in a single gluing operation. After the adhesive has dried, after priming, you can start plastering. The BP15 bead has a special extension of the expansion membrane, extending beyond the length of the PVC corner beads. The membrane extending by several centimeters acts as the so-called „fish husk” – i.e. the membrane located at the bottom end (vertically placed BP15 bead) should overlap the membrane of the BP15 bead located below. In the way, rainwater will drain over the membrane without the opportunity to ingress under the expansion membrane and get into the façade. The bead should be used when the building is built on separate strip footing and/or the width of the façade exceeds 15 metres and anywhere else where there may be tension on the façade. BP16 PVC V bead is used to make expansion joints in the façade in the inner corner of the building. Installation of the bead is done the same way as bead BP15.
length (mm)
width of PCV
membrane (mm)
no. of pieces /
bulk package
BP15 L200
BP15 L250