BP23 PVC plaster corner bead with mesh

Application: for reinforcement of the corners during carrying out the inside plastering works. Utility values:

  • reinforce, protect the corners from damages
  • ensure carrying out of the even corner
  • perfect adherence of plastering mix
  • no rust, damp patches


Mounting: before plastering the plaster corner beads bp24 pvc or bp23 pvc should be mounted in every edge (corner) inside the building. Mounting consists in placing the bead in right position (straightening out, vertical alignment) and gluing the corner bead with the plastering mix in several places on the whole length of the profile and leaving up for drying the sites, which have been glued with plaster. The corner bead should be cut to the length with the knife, scissors. Depending on the thickness of the plaster you should apply the corner bead with the appropriate height of the back. In our offer you will find the corner beads with the following height of the back: 6 mm, 8 mm and 10 mm. The plaster corner beads BP24 have special perforation for perfect sinking of the profile deep into the plaster as well as have higher rigidity.

The corner beads BP23 have the 4 mm high back and are applied with thin plaster. The BP23 corner beads are manufactured also in the version with glass mesh – mostly used in sites, where the stronger gluing of the corner bead with plaster is needed. The application of plaster corner beads PVC ensures 100% no rust and dirty damp patches coming from steel or zinc plaster corner beads. Moreover the obvious advantage of plaster PVC corner beads is their resistance against indentations; the white color of the material eliminates the effect of showing through of the metal (grey) corner beads through the paint.


Namelength (mm)height of the nib (mm)no. of pieces /
bulk package
BP23 S L250 4mm2500425
BP23 S L300 4mm3000425