BP17 PVC depth gauge bead

Application: For levelling interior plaster.

Functional properties:

  • Stainless (white PVC) – do not leave any stains when spreading plaster
  • Easy to cut to size
  • No loss in transport and storage (guides do not permanently deform as steel guides)


Assembly: Before starting plastering BP17 guides should be mounted on the wall by gluing them in several places, and aligning them horizontally and vertically.

After the guides glued in this way dry, you can start spreading plaster with a darby float. After completion of plastering, the guide may remain in the plaster. The use of BP17 guides guarantees no rust or dirty stains that may occur with the use of steel guides. BP17 PVC guides are available in different thicknesses depending on the thickness of the plaster: 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm. BP17 guides are especially useful for plastering concrete walls and cellular concrete walls – wherever you want to achieve a thin layer of plaster and a level surface is available.


Namelength (mm)height (mm)no. of pieces / bulk package
BP17 L250 6mm2500650
BP17 L300 6mm3000650
BP17 L250 8mm2500850
BP17 L300 8mm3000850